Tag Index

 Commentary (4) Keynote (7) Misc (1) Pedagogy (23) Productivity (14) R (1) Research (4) Workflow (2) apple tv (2) apps (4) atem mini (2) edtech (2) education (1) external validity (2) handwriting (6) icloud (2) internal validity (2) ios (10) ipad (10) journals (1) latex (3) markdown (1) mmhmm (1) moocs (1) notetaking (2) obs (1) online teaching (8) podcasts (4) presentations (8) production (1) program evaluation (2) public health (1) slack (1) tfh (5) two-stage exams (2) virtual cameras (2) workflows (5) zoom (9)

 Commentary (4)

Contradictions of the MPH
On Rigor 2
MOOC Money
On Rigor

 Keynote (7)

Teaching From Home (TFH): Writing on a Tablet
Teaching from Home (TFH): Hardware
iWork gets LaTeX equation editing
My Tech Setup in the Classroom
Mac Power Users #319
A Good Day to Keynote Hard
Showing Context with Magic Move

 Misc (1)

Feature @ the Center for International Development

 Pedagogy (23)

Using Google Colab to teach R
Guesting on Mac Power Users
Free Options for Sharing Handwritten Student Work
Teaching Remotely with Slack
Recommended Student Settings for Zoom
Putting a timer on your shoulder using an ATEM Mini
The Promise and Peril of Virtual Cameras on Zoom
Playing a Collaborative Playlist on Zoom
Teaching from Home: Three Reflections After a Week of Teaching Online
Teaching From Home (TFH): Writing on a Tablet
Teaching from Home (TFH): Hardware
Producing, Recording, Editing, and Sharing Animated Videos on iPad
iWork gets LaTeX equation editing
15 Minutes on Two-Stage Exams
My Tech Setup in the Classroom
Collaborative Exams on the Teach Better Podcast
Summer Podcasts
Interview: Live Annotation of Student Work with GoodNotes
Mac Power Users #319
In Praise of GoodNotes
A Good Day to Keynote Hard
Showing Context with Magic Move
MOOC Money

 Productivity (14)

Guesting on Mac Power Users
Producing, Recording, Editing, and Sharing Animated Videos on iPad
iWork gets LaTeX equation editing
Summer Podcasts
Mac Power Users #319
Annotating Screenshots in iOS with Mail
A Good Day to Keynote Hard
Showing Context with Magic Move
Interviewed by Noteshelf
Save files on iOS with Workflow
How I will write my dissertation
Increasingly Irrelevant Distinctions
Wireless Presenting Just Got a Lot Easier
EZ does it

 R (1)

Using Google Colab to teach R

 Research (4)

15 Minutes on Two-Stage Exams
Mac Power Users #319
How I will write my dissertation
EZ does it

 Workflow (2)

Mac Power Users #319
Save files on iOS with Workflow

 apple tv (2)

My Tech Setup in the Classroom
Interview: Live Annotation of Student Work with GoodNotes

 apps (4)

Teaching From Home (TFH): Writing on a Tablet
Teaching from Home (TFH): Hardware
Mac Power Users #319
Interviewed by Noteshelf

 atem mini (2)

Putting a timer on your shoulder using an ATEM Mini
The Promise and Peril of Virtual Cameras on Zoom

 edtech (2)

Teaching from Home (TFH): Hardware
MOOC Money

 education (1)

Contradictions of the MPH

 external validity (2)

On Rigor 2
On Rigor

 handwriting (6)

Teaching From Home (TFH): Writing on a Tablet
Teaching from Home (TFH): Hardware
Mac Power Users #319
In Praise of GoodNotes
Interviewed by Noteshelf
Increasingly Irrelevant Distinctions

 icloud (2)

Mac Power Users #319
Save files on iOS with Workflow

 internal validity (2)

On Rigor 2
On Rigor

 ios (10)

Teaching From Home (TFH): Writing on a Tablet
Teaching from Home (TFH): Hardware
Producing, Recording, Editing, and Sharing Animated Videos on iPad
iWork gets LaTeX equation editing
Interview: Live Annotation of Student Work with GoodNotes
Mac Power Users #319
Annotating Screenshots in iOS with Mail
Interviewed by Noteshelf
Save files on iOS with Workflow
Wireless Presenting Just Got a Lot Easier

 ipad (10)

Guesting on Mac Power Users
Putting a timer on your shoulder using an ATEM Mini
Teaching From Home (TFH): Writing on a Tablet
Teaching from Home (TFH): Hardware
Producing, Recording, Editing, and Sharing Animated Videos on iPad
iWork gets LaTeX equation editing
My Tech Setup in the Classroom
Mac Power Users #319
In Praise of GoodNotes
Interviewed by Noteshelf

 journals (1)

EZ does it

 latex (3)

iWork gets LaTeX equation editing
Mac Power Users #319
How I will write my dissertation

 markdown (1)

How I will write my dissertation

 mmhmm (1)

The Promise and Peril of Virtual Cameras on Zoom

 moocs (1)

MOOC Money

 notetaking (2)

Mac Power Users #319
Increasingly Irrelevant Distinctions

 obs (1)

The Promise and Peril of Virtual Cameras on Zoom

 online teaching (8)

Guesting on Mac Power Users
Recommended Student Settings for Zoom
Putting a timer on your shoulder using an ATEM Mini
The Promise and Peril of Virtual Cameras on Zoom
Playing a Collaborative Playlist on Zoom
Teaching from Home: Three Reflections After a Week of Teaching Online
Teaching From Home (TFH): Writing on a Tablet
Teaching from Home (TFH): Hardware

 podcasts (4)

Guesting on Mac Power Users
Collaborative Exams on the Teach Better Podcast
Summer Podcasts
Mac Power Users #319

 presentations (8)

Teaching From Home (TFH): Writing on a Tablet
Teaching from Home (TFH): Hardware
My Tech Setup in the Classroom
Interview: Live Annotation of Student Work with GoodNotes
Mac Power Users #319
A Good Day to Keynote Hard
Showing Context with Magic Move
Wireless Presenting Just Got a Lot Easier

 production (1)

Producing, Recording, Editing, and Sharing Animated Videos on iPad

 program evaluation (2)

On Rigor 2
On Rigor

 public health (1)

Contradictions of the MPH

 slack (1)

Teaching Remotely with Slack

 tfh (5)

Free Options for Sharing Handwritten Student Work
Teaching Remotely with Slack
Teaching from Home: Three Reflections After a Week of Teaching Online
Teaching From Home (TFH): Writing on a Tablet
Teaching from Home (TFH): Hardware

 two-stage exams (2)

15 Minutes on Two-Stage Exams
Collaborative Exams on the Teach Better Podcast

 virtual cameras (2)

Putting a timer on your shoulder using an ATEM Mini
The Promise and Peril of Virtual Cameras on Zoom

 workflows (5)

Interview: Live Annotation of Student Work with GoodNotes
Mac Power Users #319
Annotating Screenshots in iOS with Mail
Increasingly Irrelevant Distinctions
EZ does it

 zoom (9)

Guesting on Mac Power Users
Free Options for Sharing Handwritten Student Work
Recommended Student Settings for Zoom
Putting a timer on your shoulder using an ATEM Mini
The Promise and Peril of Virtual Cameras on Zoom
Playing a Collaborative Playlist on Zoom
Teaching from Home: Three Reflections After a Week of Teaching Online
Teaching From Home (TFH): Writing on a Tablet
Teaching from Home (TFH): Hardware